Thursday, October 18, 2012

Creation Myth

·         Creation Myths
·         Amma and Nummo Prepare the World
  • Nigeria, Africa – Dogon Tribe
  • Type of Myth: Secretion Myth
·         The Story
  • Amma rapes Earth-Mother through anthill; results in Jackal
  • Amma creates Nummo pair through intercourse with Earth
·         The Story
  • Jackal incestuously rapes Earth-Mother
    • Amma rejects her
  • Nummo self-propagate into 8 ancestors
  • 7th ancestor falls from grace, urinates to purify world
·         The Creation, from The Eddas
  • Iceland – Norse Myth
  • Type of Myth: Secretion and Sacrifice Myth

·         The Story
  • Ymir - frost giant: perspires out first man, woman, and cow
  • Ymir’s descendants kill him and use his body to create the Earth
    • Flesh = earth ; bones =mountains; blood= lakes
  • Gods create Asgard- a sort of heaven
From Chaos to King Zeus, from Hesiod's Theogony
  • Type of Myth
    •  Accretion
    • Conjunction
  • Theogony
    • Genuine mythic consciousness
·         Gods
  • Chaos (Kronos)
  • Gaia
  • Ouranos
  • Eros
·         The Beginning
  • NIGHT-->AIR & DAY (Children)
  • A God is in love with EROBOS
  • GAIA (earth) birth to OURANOS
  • GAIA birth to High Mountains
  • Nymphs lived in the mountain valley

·         Born Gods from GAIA:

·         Lessons to be Learned
  • Most dreadful God=KRONOS
  • KRONOS overcomes his father OURANOS
  • ZEUS overcomes his father KRONOS
·         The Creation of Ulligara and Zalgarra.
  • Sumarian Myth
  • Iraq: The tablets of the myth were found approximately 800BCE
  • Type of Myth: Secretion / Sacrifice
·         Gods Who Represent the Four Elements
  • Anu (god of air and sky)
  • Enlil (god of the storms and earth)

·         Gods
  • Shamash (god of sun and fire)
  • Ea (god of water)
  • Anunnaki (destiny)
·         The Creation of Ulligara and Zalgarra.
  • Gods kill 2 Lagma Gods in order to create humankind.
  • The blood of slain Lagma Gods = ingredient for the creation.
  • Ulligara (the establisher of abundance) and Zalgarra (establisher of plenty) created.
·         Reason For Creation
  • Creating  humans to do the God’s daily labor
    • Build temples/shrines
    • Grow crops/tend fields
    • Raise livestock
    • Celebrate the Gods with offerings
·         Creation Myth from the Vishnu Purana
  • Hindu (Indian)
  • From Vedic texts – Puranas
  • Type of Myth: Division/Consummation; Earth-Diver
·         Vishnu
  • The Supreme Being
  • Avatars: many forms/names
·         Brahma
  • Brahma: self-born in the lotus flower
  • Other interpretations:
      • born in water /  a seed that became the golden egg.
      • Remains of the golden egg expanded into the Universe.
·         Creation Myth from the Vishnu Purana
·         Popul Vuh
  • Mayan Creation Myth
  • Type of Myth : Deus Faber (“The Maker God”)
·         The Story
  • Dual creator - three attempts to create man.
  • 1st attempt: man out of clay but rain comes-washed away.
  • 2nd attempt : man out of wood but no mind, no hearts -wiped by flood.
·         The Story
  • 3rd attempt: grind corn and shaped it but too perfect
  • Outcome: decided to remake the corn-made man - impairing their eye sight and understanding
·         Popul Vuh
·         Genesis
  • Hebrew – Middle East
  • Type of Myth:
    • Deus Faber
    • Ex Nihilo (Out of Nothing)
  • Seen in many religions:
    • Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, and Judaism
·         Genesis
  • God “speaking into existence” = Universe
  • God creates mankind - out of the dust = Adam 
  • Adam in Eden
  • Banished to Earth
·         Bibliography
·         "HINDU CREATION MYTH." The Hindu Creation Myth. Web. 05 Oct. 2012. <>.
·         Leeming, David A. Creation Myths of the World:  An Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. : ABC-CLIO, 2010. 52+. Print.
·         McClure, Michael. "Creation Myths." Myth & Knowing: An Introduction to World Mythology. By Scott Leonard. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. 32-101. Print.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Poem of Poetry

Poem of Poetry

It is the ballad of the Ancient Mariner, 
the terza rima of the Divine,
the Japanese haiku and tanka,
the Italian canzone and sonnet,
the trisyllabic meter of Thing 1 and Thing 2,
the couplet of thee summer’s love,
a meter, a verse, a foot,
a gender based rhyme,
a happily-dactyl,
an onomatopoeic cock-a-doodle-do,
a heart as rock -simile,
a sea of troubles -metaphor,

call it art, a literary phenomenon, 
or sing song silly rubbish,
but I call it
the Pierian Spring of lexis.